Journey number 6 with @Acuity_Design at #euroia17

This podcast is episode 2 of 7 recorded at EuroIA 2017

Journey number 6. Take bus number 53 into town. As part of his Walking Through Information workshop, Alastair Somerville got everyone to go outside. Multiple times. One of the exercises involved exploring an number of tasks – Visit the restaurant, the hotel spa, take a boat trip, take bus 53 to town.

The journey to and from the hotel and the bus stop is a sensory gift that keeps on giving. We nerd out a little with Alastair about the experience.

We’ll bring you more from Alastair along with interviews with Eric Reiss, Donna Spencer, Dan Brown and Alissa Briggs to you as part of our regular schedule during the autumn. Subscribe to make sure you don’t miss some wonderful words of wisdom from some excellent people.