Link shows

Link shows are episodes of UX Podcast where James and Per take a handful of articles that they’ve found on their digital travels and discuss them.

#54 James & Per become unicorns

A Link show. James and Per discuss three articles found during their digital travels. We begin by talking about Deception and when does persuasive design become evil? Ethnographical research gets a run-through – too achedemic, or value for money?...

Show notes

#50 James & Per begin with words

Separated by a hundred million square kilometres of Atlantic Ocean, James and Per bring you a link show featuring three articles we’ve found during our digital travels. We start, as the article itself prescribes, by discussing content, words in...

Show notes

#40 James & Per and The Cogheads

Spring has finally arrived in Stockholm. In this link-show James and Per discuss three articles they’ve recently stumbled upon. We discuss… the important of cognitive load when making simple products, websites and services. Why every start up needs a...

Show notes

#38 James & Per do some pruning

Once James has finished talking about gardening and pruning apple trees, we get on with a link show. We discuss three recent articles we’ve found on our travels. Google does some pruning of its own and sunsets Google Reader....

Show notes

Episode 33: James and Per set design trends

In the first show of 2013, James and Per host a link show… with a single link. We talk our way through a recent blog post by Gannon Burgett where he lays out 13 design trends for 2013. We turn into...

Show notes

Episode 30: James and Per detect their Mini

A linkshow – In episode 30 of UXPodcast James Royal-Lawson and Per Axbom have a discussion based around two recent articles that they’ve found during their digital travels. This show’s topics are (roughly)… Detecting the iPad Mini Practical issues...

Show notes

Episode 20: Per and James get beeped

A linkshow – In episode 20 of UXPodcast James Royal-Lawson and Per Axbom discuss three recent articles that they’ve found during their digital travels, discuss them and swear a little. This episode’s topics are… Social media marketing – Barclay’s...

Show notes

Episode 19: James and Per set your attributes

In this episode of UXPodcast James Royal-Lawson and Per Axbom take three recent articles that they’ve stumbled upon during their digital travels and discuss them.

Show notes

Episode 9: Per and James hack your passw0rd

In this month’s episode of UXPodcast James Royal-Lawson and Per Axbom take four recent finds from their digital travels and discuss them.

Show notes