Show notes

This is an update to let you know that we have reached the end of Season 2, a sensible 10-month season this time rather than more than 10 years! It’s time for us to take a short break before we kick off Season 3 on August 9th.

We are already busy with planning the episodes for the next season – which includes content recorded at From Business To Buttons here in Stockholm, plus other new interviews, links shows, even a topic show! And content from Hatch Conference in Berlin.

We will be taking part in Hatch conference this September and recording an episode of UX Podcast in front of a live audience! Use the discount code UXPODCAST you’ll get yourself 10% off the ticket price and join us there.

Keep a look-out for Season 3, and Episode 329 of UX Podcast which should be available in your podcast player of choice from August 9th.


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