Show notes
S03E01 (#329). In the first episode of Season Three, James Royal-Lawson and Per Axbom discuss the concept of dark mode, its benefits, and its implications for UX design, user experience and accessibility.
We delve into the European accessibility directive, and the EN 301 549 European standard which includes a section on user preferences, requiring user settings like dark mode to be respected.
We also explore some practical implementation strategies, such as using CSS variables and testing with tools like Chrome’s experimental forced dark mode.
(Listening time: 36 minutes, transcript)

- Full transcript for this episode
- Light on dark colour scheme (Wikipedia)
- The European Accessiblity Act (Wikipedia)
- EN 301 549 the harmonised european standard for ICT accessibility
- Dark Mode: How users think about it and issues to avoid
- Digg’s assessment of 11.7 User Preferences (In Swedish)
- Welcome to the Light-dark() side
- Automatic dark mode with one line of CSS
- Recommended listening:
- Episode 235: Internet anxiety with David Swallow
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