Guest show

Episode 6: There’s a disturbance in the force

In this month’s episode of UXPodcast James Royal-Lawson and Per Axbom are joined by Christopher McCann to talk about the UX Community – or lack of it. What is UX? What is it that UXers do? Why does nobody understand us? How can we make UX more understood? Where is the silver bullet? The ride is spinning so fast, how do we avoid being thrown off?

(Listening time: 29 minutes)

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Episode 5: The truth about gamification

In this month’s episode of UXPodcast James Royal-Lawson and Per Axbom are joined by Jesper Bylund to talk about gamification. What is gamification? is it a buzzword, or just marketing? Can anything be gamified? Can a podcast be gamified?

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