Event show

#174 UX Panel game – without hesitation, repetition or deviation

UX Podcast Panel game. Inspired by the legendary panel game devised by Ian Messiter we bring you a UX Podcast Christmas Special. We try to speak uninterrupted for 60 seconds about a given UX related subject.

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#142 Presumptive design & Explaining yourself with Leo Frishberg & Lou Rosenfeld

We don’t generally have a problem considering objects from the past. Speculating about what they are and how they might have been used. We could look at artefacts from the future in a similar manner. We talk to Leo Frishberg about presumptive design and how you can use that as a provocative design research tool.

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#130 Ranch stories with Alan Cooper (Part 1)

Alan Cooper was the closing keynote on the speaker day at UXLx 2016. Alan, the creator of visual basic and co-founder of design agency Cooper, hasn’t made so many public appearances in recent years. Instead he’s been concentrating on running Monkey Ranch – his farmstead in the hills of Petaluma, California.

His keynote took us all a bit by surprise. Though the story of his farm, he gave a thoughtful and meaningful reflection on the state of the tech and design industry and questioned where we are heading. Read More

#112 Brain food with Steve Portigal, Pete Trainor & Anjan Chatterjee

This podcast is episode 8 of 9 recorded at Interact London 2015

Our first of two shows featuring interviews from Interact London 2015 has a bit of a brain-related theme to it. We talk to Steve Portigal about mindfulness, self-insight and presence and how these impact on your work as a designer.

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#107 Architecting the information age with Lisa Welchman

Lisa Welchman was the opening speaker on the conference day of UXLx 2015. She posed the question Are we Architecting the Information Age?

We talk to her about our responsibility as designers and creators of digital products, services and information. We discuss the need to take a holistic view and have the confidence to stand up for what we know we should be doing digitally.

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#105 Content, sensory experiences & linked data with Nicole Fenton, Alastair Somerville & Mike Atherton

A triple set of interviews with Nicole Fenton, Alastair Somerville and Mike Atherton recorded at UXLx 2015.  Nicole is an editor, writer, content strategist. Alastair is a specialist in sensory cognition and accessibility. Mike is a user experience designer and information architect.
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#102 Story mapping & analytics with Adrian Howard & Mike Beasley

Interviews with Adrian Howard and Mike Beasley recorded at UXLx 2015. Adrian regularly teaches and speaks on integrating Lean, UX and Agile methods and Mike is the author of Practical Web Analytics for User Experience.

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#101 Magical UX with Josh Clark & Stephen Hay

An interview with Josh Clark and Stephen Hay recorded at UXLx 2015. Josh is the man behind Big Medium, formally Globalmoxie, and was the closing keynote speaker at UXLx. Stephen Hay is the author of Responsive Design Workflow, designer, developer and magician.

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#98 James & Per at From Business To Buttons 2015

This podcast is episode 1 of 6 recorded at From Business to Buttons 2015

UX Podcast attended the biggest UX conference in Sweden to date with over 850 attendees. “From Business To Buttons” was held on 21 April 2015. We managed to talk to three of the speakers on the day: Pamela Pavliscak, Cindy Alvarez and Mike Monteiro. To round up the day we were joined by Ben Sauer, UX Designer at Clearleft.

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#84 James & Per at Conversion Jam 4

This podcast is episode 5 of 5 recorded at Conversion Jam 4

UX Podcast attended one of the biggest conversion optimisation conferences in the world, Conversion Jam 4, organised by Conversionista. We grabbed interviews with 4 of the keynote speakers. There was a definite psychology-theme to our interviews .

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#81 James & Per at Hybridconf 2014

This podcast is episode 5 of 5 recorded at Hybridconf 2014

Touring UX, design and dev conference Hybridconf landed in Stockholm this year. We were there for both days to listen, learn and most importantly to interview some of the speakers. We managed to chat to four of this year’s speakers.

Dan Rubin opened day 1 with his silo-busting talk “We don’t talk anymore”. Natasha Irizarry gave us a deeply personal talk “Do what makes you great AKA how UX changed my life”. Cat Noone talked about the future of the reading experience in her talk “My Grandmother’s books are neatly stored in an app”. Scott Hanselman ended up doing two talks, including his hugely entertaining “Javascript and the rise of the new virual machine”.

(Listening time: 44 minutes)


#74 James & Per at Intranätverk 2014

This podcast is episode 5 of 5 recorded at Intranätverk 2014

James and Per jumped on the early morning train from Stockholm and headed down to Gothenburg for the international day of Intranätverk 2014, a conference focusing on intranets and the digital workplace. Recent years have seen quite a change in the intranet scene, user centric design methods are increasingly common place in intranet projects.

We found time between presentations to record four interviews. We talked to Annika Appeltofft  and Helene Ekström about intranet governance at Ericsson and how user experience has been incorporated into how they develop and manage their intranet. We talked to Ingo Johansson about the onboarding process at NNE Pharmaplan which has just gone through a user centric revamp. We talk to Wedge Black about content tactics for your intranet. Finally we talk to Kristian Norling, the man behind the conference, about intranet trends.

(Listening time 52 minutes)


#70 James & Per & Vimla

UX Podcast attended the launch of Vimla, a new mobile network developed start-up style by Telenor here  in Sweden that aims to be simple, open, and community driven. Read More