
Strategic impact with Nathan Shedroff

This podcast is episode 6 of 6 recorded at UXLx 2023

S02E16 (#326). Nathan Shedroff, author of A Whole New Strategy, talks to us about how we as designers can have strategic impact. Through an expanded understanding of the context you are working within, and building both situational and operational awareness, we can bridge the gap between design and business.
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#109 UX Strategy with Simon Norris

Simon Norris, CEO of Nomensa joins us to chat about UX strategy. We look back over how digital has matured during the last 15 years and how the world today is so utterly different to how we thought it would be back then.

Simon differentiates between micro and macro UX and explains how UX by its nature is strategic but that doesn’t make us all strategists.

Is UX strategy a transitional concept? Should UX-ers code? Can incumbent organisation make the transition to digital thinking? Can UX strategy help organisations think more collectively about business customers and technology?

(Listening time: 35 minutes)


This episode is sponsored by Interact London 2015. Inspiring UX thinkers.
