
Building trust in AI with Carol Smith

This podcast is episode 2 of 6 recorded at UXLx 2023

S02E11 (#321).  How do we know when to trust a system? Carol Smith leads the Trust Lab team at Carnagie Mellon Universty, where they conduct research into making trustworthy, human centered, and responsible AI systems. Our conversation highlights the importance of guardrails and ethical considerations in AI development, as well as to ask the right questions and to be critical of the work we are doing – in order to make the best systems we can for the people who are using them or who will be affected by them.
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#255 Trustworthy with Margot Bloomstein

Do you trust brands? What created that trust and how is it maintained? We look at designing for trust together with content strategist Margot Bloomstein, author of Trustworthy. How does brand personality impact the user experience and how it influences our design decisions and content strategies.

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