
Speaker day wrap-up with @hugofroesUX at #UXLx 2016

This podcast is episode 6 of 11 recorded at UXLx 2016

Straight after Alan Cooper finished what some of us are calling his “I had a dream” speech, we were joined by UXLx attendee Hugo Froes to reflect upon and summarise a day of excellent talks and keynotes here in Lisbon.

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Interview with @denisejacobs at #UXLx 2016

This podcast is episode 5 of 11 recorded at UXLx 2016

“Unfold your brain – Skyrocket your creative ability” was the title of Denise’s workshop. We looked at how to banish our inner critic and the mental blocks that get in the way of creative thinking. We also looked at how you can improve focus and get your brain into a state where you access creative ideas best.


Interview with @vlh at #UXLx 2016

This podcast is episode 4 of 11 recorded at UXLx 2016

Val Head held the workshop “Animating the user experience”.  We looked at why motion is so useful in our designs and took some time to go through Disney’s 12 principles of animation and how they are applied to our design processes.

#128 Occupational challenges

In our listener survey we ask the question: What is the biggest occupational challenge facing you right now? Over the past few surveys we’ve gather quite a number of responses to that question. In this episode we take a look at some of the challenges you say that you face, and even try to give some advice about how to meet those challenges.

(Listening time: 39 minutes)


#127 The Compassion Team

A linkshow. James and Per discuss three articles that have grabbed their attention.

The first article is Users always choose the path of least resistance by Paul Boag. Paul says that users will always take the easy option so to maintain a competitive advantage, we need to focus on simplicity.

The second article is Transitions and animations and all that jazz by our one and own James Royal-Lawson. James looks at the impact of animation and transition details on the user experience and how to successfully get this implemented into our solutions.

Our third and final article is The Facebook Breakup by Penelope Green. The New York Times takes a look at “the breakup flow” as it is called. How the compassion team at Facebook have worked with the UX of ending a relationship on social media.

(Listening time: 29 minutes)


#126 Design doing with Don Norman (Part 2)

Don Norman is without a doubt one of the most influential voices within the UX and design industry and also the cognitive sciences. Don produced some of the earliest literature about human-centered design within the digital space – he also coined the term “user experience” whilst working at Apple.

In part 2 of our conversation with Don, we talk about whether technology is making us dumber or smarter, living with complexity, as well as AI, agents and their role in the future of healthcare. Don also ponders our “Heptascale challenge” questions. Read More

#125 Design doing with Don Norman (Part 1)

Don Norman is without a doubt one of the most influential voices within the UX and design industry and also the cognitive sciences. Don produced some of the earliest literature about human-centered design within the digital space – he also coined the term “user experience” whilst at Apple.

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#124 Listener phone-in (Part 2)

James, Per and Danwei open the video channels for the 6th UX Podcast Listener phone-in. We’ve pulled out the highlights from the live session and made them into 2 separate episodes.

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#123 Listener phone-in (Part 1)

James, Per and Danwei open the video channels for the 6th UX Podcast Listener phone-in. On a Friday afternoon in March we took questions and calls from listeners. We’ve pulled out the highlights from the live session and made them into 2 separate episodes.

The topics covered in part 1 of this two-part phone-in are AI, conducting international research, product management and UX, Material design and trends of 2016, and Micro v Macro UX. Read More

#122 Calm technology with Amber Case

This podcast is episode 3 of 11 recorded at UXLx 2016

We talk to Amber Case, cyborg anthropologist and UX designer. We chat about the ideas expressed in Amber’s popular TED talk “We are all cyborgs now” before turning our attention to the notion of calm technology.

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#121 Agentive technology with Chris Noessel

This podcast is episode 2 of 11 recorded at UXLx 2016

Spawned from his keen interest in sci-fi interfaces Chris Noessel is passionate about the concept of agentive technology; computers doing things on our behalf. Computers may do things we don’t want to do or ourselves, things we don’t know how how to do or things we’ve never done before. The trick of course is for the computers to butt in at the right time.

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#120 Product management & UX with Melissa Perri

This podcast is episode 1 of 11 recorded at UXLx 2016

Melissa Perri has a background as both a product manager and a UX-er. We learn more about the overlap between the two disciplines and discuss some of the issues surrounding their convergence. Melissa also shared some advice about applying lean methodologies to your organisation including working with hypotheses and building to learn.

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#119 Articulating design decisions with Tom Greever

We talk to Tom Greever about Articulating Design Decisions. How do we talk about our designs effectively with stakeholders? Every designer has to explain (and justify) their design decisions to non-designers but what are the skills tactics and methods that are needed to pull this off in a way that opens the door for your project to create or improve the user experience?

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#118 Inclusive design with Sara Lerén

Sometimes we just run on auto-pilot. Male and Female. Two genders. His and Hers. A simple, polarised, view. When gender is implemented this way in websites and apps, it can not only lead to individuals feeling excluded but also cause emotional distress. We talk to Sara Lerén about being inclusive – how we can kick old habits and design for gendered audiences.

(Listening time: 36 minutes)


#117 Designing with Images

It’s so easy to add a little rectangle to a wireframe, but what are the consequences of adding an image to your design? Are images good or bad for UX? How can we improve our design processes so that we take the impact of images properly into account?

In this topic show Per and James look into how to design with images and how the performance of your website is a critical part of the user experience and should be a central part of your design process.

(Listening time: 52 minutes, Size: 36MB)
