Guest shows

Guest shows are episodes of UX Podcast where James and Per are joined by someone kind enough to be interviewed.

#51 James & Per & Brad go future friendly

We’re joined in Episode 51 by mobile web strategist and front-end designer Brad Frost. Brad’s blog posts have featured in a number of UX Podcast link shows, and he’s a bit of an ideological soul-mate of James and Per. We...

Show notes

#49 James & Per accept your terms and conditions

On the back of the NSA Prism revelations, we’re joined by Pär Lannerö to talk about internet privacy and the complicated world of terms and conditions. How can we make them more simple and manageable? How can we tip the...

Show notes

#46 James & Per & Chris

In the bar of the Tryp Oriente at the end of day 2 of  UXLx 2013 we settle down with a  beer and reflect on the conference so far together with Chris McCann. What themes have we noticed? how...

Show notes

#45 James & Per & Luke

It’s just before lunch on day 2 of UXLx 2013 and we were lucky enough to grab a few minutes of Luke Wroblewski‘s time right after his morning workshop Organizing Mobile Web Experiences. We chat about device proliferation, device ergonomics...

Show notes

#44 James & Per & Jeff

It’s the end of the first day of UXLx 2013 and we grab a few minutes just before they lock up the venue for the night to chat to Mr Lean UX, Jeff Gothelf. We had a little problem with...

Show notes

#42 James & Per & Bruno

We are in Lisbon, Portugal for UXLx 2013. Today we travelled down from Stockholm via Frankfurt and spent the pre-conference evening tasting some wine and mingling with other delegates. To finish off the day, we were joined by Bruno Figueiredo,...

Show notes

#39 James & Per and the 1%

Jesper Åström joined us in Episode 39 for a chat at Clarion Sign Hotel in Stockholm. Jesper is is currently writing a series of 100 guest blog posts in 100 days. A crazy challenge. One of the posts so...

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#37 James & Per make a deposit

Brett King, banking disruptor and founder of mobile-based Moven bank joins us for a chat from a restaurant in Santa Monica, California. Retail banking is about to be disrupted. There no way of avoiding of stopping that. Can existing...

Show notes

Episode 34: James and Per get educated

Recorded at Web Service Award 2013 in Stockholm, Sweden. We talk to Judith Wolst, course co-ordinator for Interactive Communication at Bergs School of Communication, about educating the digital stars of the future. We also grabbed a few minutes with...

Show notes