Guest shows

Guest shows are episodes of UX Podcast where James and Per are joined by someone kind enough to be interviewed.

#249 Digital anthropology with Genevieve Bell

How will your design be used in 10,000 years? When we produce designs and create technical systems we rarely think in such time-frames, yet many of today’s technology includes ideas decades old, even hundreds. Anthropologist Genevieve Bell joins us...

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#248 Evolving organisations with Ola Berg

“This is about people. It’s about communication”, says Ola. The ways in which organisations are structured and managed are still in many ways rooted in the history of the industrial revolution. To evolve away from this requires care, being...

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#245 Cognitive bias with David Dylan Thomas

We all have cognitive biases, flaws in our reasoning and judgement due to our personal beliefs and hidden pattens that we’ve subconsciously adopted over time. David Dylan Thomas joins us to discuss cognitive bias and how we can design...

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#243 Answering surveys with Caroline Jarrett (UXP Classic)

Form and survey specialist and author Caroline Jarrett joins us on this classic episode of UX Podcast. Unsurprisingly we chat about surveys and forms beginning with the subject’s roots in data capture and motion studies.

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#242 Figure it out with Stephen Anderson and Karl Fast

What does it mean to understand something? How do we take information and create understanding? We talk to with Stephen Anderson and Karl Fast and do our best to Figure It Out.

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#240 Architecting the information age with Lisa Welchman (UXP Classic)

In this classic UX Podcast interview we talk to Lisa Welchman about our responsibility as designers and creators of digital products, services and information.

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#239 Storytelling in design with Anna Dahlström

Everything is a story. Every product experience is a story. Anna Dahlström, author of Storytelling in design joins us to talk about how we can manage, choreograph and narrate that story.

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#238 Embedding privacy with Tim Kariotis

Tim Kariotis talks to us about privacy. What is privacy? How do we go about embedding privacy into design and understanding the privacy and social norms around information?

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