nathan shedroff

Strategic impact with Nathan Shedroff

This podcast is episode 6 of 6 recorded at UXLx 2023

S02E16 (#326). Nathan Shedroff, author of A Whole New Strategy, talks to us about how we as designers can have strategic impact. Through an expanded understanding of the context you are working within, and building both situational and operational awareness, we can bridge the gap between design and business.
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Make it more so with Chris Noessel and Nathan Shedroff

This podcast is episode 1 of 6 recorded at UXLx 2023

S02E04 (#314). Sci-fi and AI. Over a decade on from our first chat with Chris and Nathan, after the publishing of their book Make It So – Interaction Design Lessons from Science Fiction, Per and James found themselves with the opportunity at UXLx to talk to Chris and Nathan again. Our conversation starts with AI in the context of Sci-fi interfaces, then progresses into a discussion of AI more generally.

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#216 Make it so with Nathan Shedroff and Chris Noessel (UXP Classic)

In this classic episode, Nathan Shedroff and Christopher Noessel, authors of Make It So, join us to talk about interaction design lessons from science fiction. For a number of years Nathan and Chris have been collecting and investigating interfaces seen and used in science fiction, that research has now made it into book form.

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Episode 25: James and Per make it so

In this show James and Per were joined by Nathan Shedroff and Christopher Noessel authors of Make It So, interaction design lessons from science fiction. For a number of years Nathan and Chris have been collecting and investigating interfaces seen and used in science fiction, that research has now made it into book form.

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