user centered design

#267 UX Theatre with Tanya Snook

Are we all just putting on a show? A few years ago, Tanya Snook coined the phrase UX Theatre to describe when we are just acting like we’re doing user-centred design rather than actually doing it. 

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#74 James & Per at Intranätverk 2014

This podcast is episode 5 of 5 recorded at Intranätverk 2014

James and Per jumped on the early morning train from Stockholm and headed down to Gothenburg for the international day of Intranätverk 2014, a conference focusing on intranets and the digital workplace. Recent years have seen quite a change in the intranet scene, user centric design methods are increasingly common place in intranet projects.

We found time between presentations to record four interviews. We talked to Annika Appeltofft  and Helene Ekström about intranet governance at Ericsson and how user experience has been incorporated into how they develop and manage their intranet. We talked to Ingo Johansson about the onboarding process at NNE Pharmaplan which has just gone through a user centric revamp. We talk to Wedge Black about content tactics for your intranet. Finally we talk to Kristian Norling, the man behind the conference, about intranet trends.

(Listening time 52 minutes)


#70 James & Per & Vimla

UX Podcast attended the launch of Vimla, a new mobile network developed start-up style by Telenor here  in Sweden that aims to be simple, open, and community driven. Read More

Vimla launch – interview with Johan Littorin

UX Podcast attended the launch of Vimla, a new mobile network in Sweden that aims to be simple, open, and community driven. We talk to Johan Littorin, head of Vimla, about how the idea was born and how they are working with user-centered product development.


#48 James & Per look at users from the inside

After returning from Intranätverk, an intranet conference recently held in Sweden, James shares some reflections. We also talk about user centered design for the digital workplace and how intranets are the “poorer brother” of the world of web. Has the world of intranets finally started to catch up? Read More