value alignment

Murky middle with Christina Joy Whittaker

This podcast is episode 2 of 3 recorded at From Business to Buttons 2024

S03E03 (#331). Your destiny isn’t tied to a role. You were a person before your role. Leadership expert and strategist Christina Joy Whittaker talks to us about the murky middle, a phenomenon rooted in misalignment and purpose and quite distinct from imposter syndrome which is rooted in confidence.

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Interview with @jimkalbach at #interactLDN 2015

This podcast is episode 1 of 9 recorded at Interact London 2015

Jim Kalbach talked about visualising value. How we need a reversal in business thnking and value alignment. Begin with customer needs and create shared value. Alignment of the individual and the organisation, with value as the overlap.  Value centred design.

This interview was recording during the break, so there’s quite a lively “audience” in the background.