
Episode 29: James and Per ride the jam carousel

This podcast is episode 4 of 4 recorded at Conversion Jam 2

This episode comes “live” from Conversion Jam 2 in Stockholm Sweden. A conference about conversion optimisation. In this episode we have a chat with Mårten Angner who held a presentation about the (lack of) effectiveness of top carousels (or “sliding banners”)

(Listening time 16 minutes)


Other UX Podcast episodes from Conversion Jam 2:

Episode 28: James and Per make responsive jam

This podcast is episode 3 of 4 recorded at Conversion Jam 2

This episode comes “live” from Conversion Jam 2 in Stockholm Sweden. A conference about conversion optimisation. In this episode we have a chat with Annelie Näs who worked with Swedish mobile operator Halebop to create their responsive e-commerce site.

(Listening time 10 minutes)


Other UX Podcast episodes from Conversion Jam 2:

Episode 27: James and Per measure their jam

This podcast is episode 2 of 4 recorded at Conversion Jam 2

This episode comes “live” from Conversion Jam 2 in Stockholm Sweden. A conference about conversion optimisation. In this episode we have a chat with Brian Clifton, author of Avanced Web Metrics one of the presenters this morning with a talked called “What the hell should we use all this web data for?”

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Episode 26: James and Per make jam

This podcast is episode 1 of 4 recorded at Conversion Jam 2

This episode comes “live” from Conversion Jam 2 in Stockholm Sweden. A conference about conversion optimisation. We share our expectations for the day and have a chat with the first keynote speaker of the day, Craig Sullivan an optimisation rock-star (and DJ). We previously chatted with Craig in Episode 11 of UX Podcast about mobile optmisation.

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Episode 25: James and Per make it so

In this show James and Per were joined by Nathan Shedroff and Christopher Noessel authors of Make It So, interaction design lessons from science fiction. For a number of years Nathan and Chris have been collecting and investigating interfaces seen and used in science fiction, that research has now made it into book form.

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Episode 24: James and Per with no added ketchup

Sara Andersson from Search Integration joins James and Per in Episode 24 to discuss search and No Ketchup. We talk to Sara about her long background in search and marketing, her passion for search and the “no ketchup” blog – doing honest work for clients, pulling the lid on sugar coated fluffy offers that deliver nothing, breaking down silos and helping clients learn more about search.

(Listening time: 33 minutes)


Episode 23: James and Per find their breakpoint

This time James and Per discuss usability rules and recommendations. Jakob Nielsen earlier this year updated his web design recommendation, saying that you should now design for around 1440 pixels wide. With this as a starting point we cover browser viewports, research,  recommendations, responsive web design and mobile web sites. Phew, all that and a little more in 29 minutes!

(Listening time 29 minutes)


Episode 22: James and Per change names

In this show James and Per discuss web management. We take 3 recent examples where organisations have undertaken major changes to their web presence and investigate how it all went. What did they do well? what went wrong? what should they have done?

(Listening time 39 minutes, including 2 minutes of comedy intro)


Episode 21: Per and James burn a sheep

In this episode James and Per talk about Sweden Social Web Camp. A yearly unconference held on an island off the south coast of Sweden. Per was there, James watched from afar. We discuss what the conference is about, how it works and what the whole experience is like – we even throw in few discussions about what could be improved and what could be be borrowed by other conferences.

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Episode 20: Per and James get beeped

A linkshow – In episode 20 of UXPodcast James Royal-Lawson and Per Axbom discuss three recent articles that they’ve found during their digital travels, discuss them and swear a little. This episode’s topics are…

  • Social media marketing – Barclay’s Facebook Debacle
  • The agency model – It’s f*cked
  • Visual marketing – adding images to your content

(Listening time 28 minutes)


Episode 19: James and Per set your attributes

In this episode of UXPodcast James Royal-Lawson and Per Axbom take three recent articles that they’ve stumbled upon during their digital travels and discuss them.

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Episode 18: James and Per satisfy their clients

In this show we sat down at Kulturhuset in Stockholm together with Martin Christensen, user experience designer and agile coach, to talk about agile and how you apply it to multiple disciplines, including UX. Martin promised to give us a “silver bullet” solution for handling agile ux. Let’s listen and find out what it is…

(Listening time: 27 minutes)


Episode 17: James and Per wrap up #UXLx 2012

This podcast is episode 6 of 6 recorded at UXLx 2012

Three jam-packed days of UXLx have whizzed by. 4 workshops, 4 lightning events, 10 conference talks, fair few glasses of wine and beer, an incredible number of conversations with a whole load of really smart people.

In this 6th and last podcast from Lisbon at UXLx we give you a quick roundup of our favourite talks from the conference day on Friday plus a few reflections from fellow conference attendees Lynsey Thornton and Celine O’Niell.

Finally a few reflections and take-homes from the entire event.

(Listening time: 28 minutes)


Episode 16: James and Per have done all this research

This podcast is episode 5 of 6 recorded at UXLx 2012

It’s the end of day 2 here at UXLx and that means that we’ve finished the workshop part of the conference. This afternoons workshops were We’ve done all this research, now what? with Steve Portigal and Accessibillity for UX Designers with Derek Featherstone.

(Listening time: 13 minutes)

Episode 15: James and Per talk to Dave

This podcast is episode 4 of 6 recorded at UXLx 2012

During the lunch break of day 2 here at UXLx 2012 Per and James talked to Dave Gray, one of the co-authors of Gamestorming and one of the workshop holders here yesterday morning.

As well as talking to Dave about his workshop and preparation for it, we also got a few tips of gamestorming techniques that we as web and UX people could find useful.

In the second part of the show, we give you a few quick impressions from this mornings workshops.

(Listening time: 19 minutes)
