
Sketching workshop with Eva-Lotta Lamm

This podcast is episode 5 of 6 recorded at UXLx 2023

S02E14 (#324). A slightly different episode to usual. Eva-Lotta Lamm joins us to hold a visual thinking sketching workshop – Eva-Lotta, James and Per have fun going through three sketching exercises set by Eva-Lotta that can help you with your creativity, team-building, visual thinking and much more.
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#298 Colonised Thinking and Figma

Episode 298 is a linkshow. Per and James discuss two articles that have grabbed their attention – we feature articles about how car culture colonised our thinking, and how Figma is making you a bad designer.

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#209 Paper prototypes

In April 2019 the Interaction Design Foundation tweeted an article from their archives about rapid prototyping. Attached to the tweet was a short video of someone demonstrating a paper prototype. The response, mainly to the video clip, divided the design world in two. It was either “waste of time!” or “fantastic!”.
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Episode 20: Per and James get beeped

A linkshow – In episode 20 of UXPodcast James Royal-Lawson and Per Axbom discuss three recent articles that they’ve found during their digital travels, discuss them and swear a little. This episode’s topics are…

  • Social media marketing – Barclay’s Facebook Debacle
  • The agency model – It’s f*cked
  • Visual marketing – adding images to your content

(Listening time 28 minutes)
