steve portigal

Interviewing users with Steve Portigal

S02E18 (#328). Over ten years have passed since the first edition of Steve Portigal’s legendary book Interviewing Users was released. Together with Steve, we reflect on how user research has evolved during the past decade, and how the importance of user research in order to understand people and their needs is still crucial.
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#279 War Stories with Steve Portigal (UXP Classic)

For a number of years Steve Portigal has been collecting user research war stories. The stories describe experiences researchers have had whilst doing fieldwork. Awkward, morally challenging, painful, unsuccessful.

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#149 War Stories with Steve Portigal

For a number of years Steve Portigal has been collecting user research war stories. The stories describe experiences researchers have had whilst doing fieldwork. Awkward, morally challenging, painful, unsuccessful.

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#112 Brain food with Steve Portigal, Pete Trainor & Anjan Chatterjee

This podcast is episode 8 of 9 recorded at Interact London 2015

Our first of two shows featuring interviews from Interact London 2015 has a bit of a brain-related theme to it. We talk to Steve Portigal about mindfulness, self-insight and presence and how these impact on your work as a designer.

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Interview with @steveportigal at #interactLDN 2015

This podcast is episode 2 of 9 recorded at Interact London 2015

Steve Portigal joined us during the lunch break of day 1 to talk to us about mindfulness, self-insight and presence and how these inform how you interact with the world round you and impact on your work as a designer, ux-er, professional and human being .