social media

#208 Your next UX job with Jessica Ivins

Preparing for your next job is like saving for retirement says Jessica Ivins. Start putting yourself out there ahead of time, thinking about what you would like your next job to be and do a little bit to prepare on a regular basis.
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#127 The Compassion Team

A linkshow. James and Per discuss three articles that have grabbed their attention.

The first article is Users always choose the path of least resistance by Paul Boag. Paul says that users will always take the easy option so to maintain a competitive advantage, we need to focus on simplicity.

The second article is Transitions and animations and all that jazz by our one and own James Royal-Lawson. James looks at the impact of animation and transition details on the user experience and how to successfully get this implemented into our solutions.

Our third and final article is The Facebook Breakup by Penelope Green. The New York Times takes a look at “the breakup flow” as it is called. How the compassion team at Facebook have worked with the UX of ending a relationship on social media.

(Listening time: 29 minutes)


#76 James & Per thank you for subscribing

Episode 76 is a link show. James and Per discuss three articles they’ve discovered on their digital travels. First – 45 days to plan a Tweet? Just a bit of bad press, deliberate PR? How do we know what’s true anymore? Second – Thank you for signing up! Pay attention to your thank you pages. And finally – The share icon that nobody agrees on. We’re talked hamburgers before, now it’s the turn of the share icon to be discussed.

What do you think? Email us at

(Listening time: 38 minutes)


Borrowed from


#58 James & Per & Mattias have beards

We meet up with Mattias Beijmo, founder of Duma and course leader for Web Management at Berghs School of Communication for a chat about beards. After the facial hair chat out of the way we ask Mattias how, back in the 90s, he got into the web branch.

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Episode 22: James and Per change names

In this show James and Per discuss web management. We take 3 recent examples where organisations have undertaken major changes to their web presence and investigate how it all went. What did they do well? what went wrong? what should they have done?

(Listening time 39 minutes, including 2 minutes of comedy intro)


Episode 21: Per and James burn a sheep

In this episode James and Per talk about Sweden Social Web Camp. A yearly unconference held on an island off the south coast of Sweden. Per was there, James watched from afar. We discuss what the conference is about, how it works and what the whole experience is like – we even throw in few discussions about what could be improved and what could be be borrowed by other conferences.

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Episode 20: Per and James get beeped

A linkshow – In episode 20 of UXPodcast James Royal-Lawson and Per Axbom discuss three recent articles that they’ve found during their digital travels, discuss them and swear a little. This episode’s topics are…

  • Social media marketing – Barclay’s Facebook Debacle
  • The agency model – It’s f*cked
  • Visual marketing – adding images to your content

(Listening time 28 minutes)
