Link shows

Link shows are episodes of UX Podcast where James and Per take a handful of articles that they’ve found on their digital travels and discuss them.

#288 Native emojis 🐻‍❄️

Episode 288 is a linkshow. Per and James discuss two articles that have grabbed their attention – we feature articles about the problems with, and the alternatives to, the term “users” plus the surprisingly complex world of emojis.

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#284 Additive bias

Episode 284 is a linkshow. Per and James discuss two articles that have grabbed their attention – we feature articles about additive bias and the current state of mobile UX.

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#278 No, seriously, it’s been a year

Episode 278 is a linkshow. Per and James discuss two articles that have grabbed their attention – we feature articles about the era of design system in Russia and a status report on the toxicity in digital design.

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#274 Privacy practitioners

Episode 274 is a linkshow. Per and James discuss two articles that have grabbed their attention – we feature articles about how designers should be aware of data privacy and laws, plus how causal loop diagrams are a useful...

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#271 Loops, arcs, and terrain

Episode 271 is a slightly different linkshow based around a tweet and article by Stephen Anderson, and two related articles, discussing arcs, loops and terrain in the context of service design.

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#260 Your Grandparents’ telephone

Episode 260 is a linkshow. Per and James discuss two articles that have grabbed their attention – we feature articles about information architecture and following the principles that our brains expect from physical experiences, plus smart questions you should...

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#256 Touching screens

Episode 256 is a linkshow. Per and James discuss two articles that have grabbed their attention – We discuss dealing with shared and public touch screens plus the trend of publishing content as newsletters.

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#252 Toxic dogmatism

Episode 252 is a linkshow. Per and James discuss two articles that have grabbed their attention – We discuss a number of serious issues that the design industry faces plus we take a look at “Stories” and their abundance.

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#246 Developer experience

Episode 246 is a link show. James and Per discuss two articles that have grabbed their attention – We discuss developer experience and even “internal” developer experience plus mobile interface testing and the challenges of multi-device, multi-browser testing generally.

Show notes