
Change leadership with Maria Giudice

This podcast is episode 4 of 6 recorded at UXLx 2023

S02E13 (#323).  We are in the age of design-driven change. Maria Giudice joins us to talk about being changemakers – How we can design change in a complex world. We start by looking at the history of change management and how we are now firmly in the age of design-driven change and that requires change leadership.
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The leader’s journey with Donna Lichaw

S02E01 (#311). Donna Lichaw takes us on another enthrawling journey in our latest podcast interview with her. This time Donna helps us understand the value of finding out your superpower and becoming a superhero. What’s all that got to do with leadership? Listen along and find out.

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#219 Facilitating structures with Stephen Anderson

This podcast is episode 4 of 5 recorded at UXLx 2019

How do i facilitate someone’s discovery? Stephen Anderson has a passion for learning, teaching and facilitating and helps us in this episode think about how we can help both ourselves and others along their journey as a designer. 
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#218 Feedback with Claire Lew

This podcast is episode 3 of 5 recorded at UXLx 2019

The Feedback loop – it’s not just about giving, but also about asking, receiving and acting on the feedback you’ve been given. Claire Lew joins us to share how we can create a culture of feedback. 
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#181 Product strategy with Richard Banfield

This podcast is episode 1 of 7 recorded at UXLx 2018

“Product strategy is a product of product vision” says Richard Banfield. In this show Richard shares his thoughts on product strategy, the sharing of language and culture within a team, the importance of psychological safe space, product team challenges, distributed teams, and the value of making mistakes.
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#139 Education & Leadership with Evgenia Grinblo & Melissa Perri (Part 2)

In part 2 of our two part chat with Melissa Perri and Evgenia Grinblo about education and leadership, we ask why are we doing all this stuff? The importance of metrics, incentives and leadership. Caring about your team and keeping them on track.

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#137 Design leadership with Andy Budd

We talk to Andy Budd about design leadership. As our relatively young industry matures and expands, many people are moving from being UX practitioners to being UX leaders, or design leaders.

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Interview with @melissaperri & @grinblo at #UXLx 2016

This podcast is episode 8 of 11 recorded at UXLx 2016

We found ourselves chatting to Melissa Perri and to UXLx attendee Evgenia Grinblo separately about similar topics. So, we gathered them into a room together and pressed record. During our conversation we discussed the education gap and the challenge of progressing from junior to senior to leader.

Interview with @vjkirby at #interactLDN 2015

This podcast is episode 3 of 9 recorded at Interact London 2015

Vanessa Kirby has created and managed a number of UX teams. Who do you need in your team? Do we need UX unicorns? Should we aspire to become unicorns?

#93 James & Per & Kim plan their journey

This podcast is episode 2 of 6 recorded at From Business to Buttons 2015

We’re joined by Kim Goodwin author of Designing for the digital age and UX executive at both PatientsLikeMe and Cooper. We dive into the merits of journey mapping. What it is and how it can be useful.

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