
#282 Older adults and tech with Carolyn Wilson-Nash

Carolyn Wilson-Nash together with Julie Tinson, both from Stirling University, published a research paper entitled ‘I am the master of my fate’: digital technology paradoxes and the coping strategies of older consumers.

Carolyn joins us to talk more about her research and the impact technology has on older people’s lives.

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#266 Target size

From this summer, target size is going to become something we hear much more about. In this topic show, we look into what it is, what it means, why we’re going to start hearing more about it, and how this will impact design work (and design discussions). 

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#259 Japanese design culture with Rishma Hansil

We are joined by Rishma Hansil to look at Japanese design culture and how this impacts digital design in Japan. Originally from Trinidad and Tobago, Rishma has been living and working in Tokyo for the past 4 years.

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#244 Icons

In this topic show dedicated to icons Per and James look at what icons are, why we, as designers, make use of them and what we can do to make them more understandable and accessible.

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#233 Usability testing with Richard Whitehand

Richard Whitehand has been working hands on with usability testing for decades. He’s spent more hours than anyone we know in a usability lab testing with users. He joins us to talk about the benefits of usability testing, which are more than just discovering issues with your design. Read More

#214 Lost in translation

Episode 214 is a link show. James and Per discuss two articles that have grabbed their attention – this time they’re a research paper about a large scale accessment of dark patterns used on shopping websites, and the story of a health platform roll-out in Denmark.

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#171 Surviving UX with Eric Reiss

This podcast is episode 5 of 7 recorded at EuroIA 2017

IA, IxD, SEO – all of these and more come under the canopy of UX. “I don’t think any of us can truly call ourselves UX designers, although that’s a very convenient title” said Eric Reiss towards the beginning of our conversation. The environment we work in and the way in which we communicate what we do creates a constant struggle. We need to survive being UX-ers. Read More

Episode 32: James and Per scream – Stupid bloody system!

James and Per bring you episode 32 of UX Podcast from a bar in Stockholm. We’re are joined by Jonas Söderström, author of Jävla skitsystem (Stupid bloody system) and “the Swede that comes closest to the title of web usability guru”. We talk about poorly designed digital systems and the work related stress this causes. Where did it all go wrong? How do we fix it? Can we fix it?

(Listening time: 28 minutes)


Episode 23: James and Per find their breakpoint

This time James and Per discuss usability rules and recommendations. Jakob Nielsen earlier this year updated his web design recommendation, saying that you should now design for around 1440 pixels wide. With this as a starting point we cover browser viewports, research,  recommendations, responsive web design and mobile web sites. Phew, all that and a little more in 29 minutes!

(Listening time 29 minutes)
