Link show

#148 Lostness

Episode 148 is a link show. James and Per discuss three articles that have grabbed their attention.

The first article is Decision Frames: How Cognitive Biases Affect UX Practitioners.  Kathryn Whitenton explains how we are all vulnerable to cognitive biases and the way in which we frame our problems can bias our design decisions.

Article two is Agile Doesn’t Have a Brain. Jeff Gothelf argues that the reason that organisations are working in an agile manner has changed dramatically over the years and now they are looking for faster, rather than better, ways to satisfy business needs.

Our third article is The Complete Guide to Measuring Lostness. Tomer Sharon explains what this metric is and how it can be used to gauge how lost people are on your website or in your app.

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#141 The death of web design

Episode 141 is a link show. James and Per discuss three articles that have grabbed their attention. Design standards, form validation, and prototyping with chatbots.

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#127 The Compassion Team

A linkshow. James and Per discuss three articles that have grabbed their attention.

The first article is Users always choose the path of least resistance by Paul Boag. Paul says that users will always take the easy option so to maintain a competitive advantage, we need to focus on simplicity.

The second article is Transitions and animations and all that jazz by our one and own James Royal-Lawson. James looks at the impact of animation and transition details on the user experience and how to successfully get this implemented into our solutions.

Our third and final article is The Facebook Breakup by Penelope Green. The New York Times takes a look at “the breakup flow” as it is called. How the compassion team at Facebook have worked with the UX of ending a relationship on social media.

(Listening time: 29 minutes)


#111 Meta moments

A linkshow.  James and Per discuss three articles that have caught their attention.

The first article is Who Needs UX Strategy by Paul Bryan. Secondly we look at 7 things that make it harder to manage your multinational websites by Lise Bissonnette Janody. Last but not least we discuss Meta-moments, thoughtfulness by design by Andrew Grimes

(Listening time: 43 minutes)


#103 What is Zero UI?

A Linkshow. James and Per discuss three recent articles they have found on their digital travels.

Our first article is Designing with Analytics by one of our previous guests Pamela Pavliscak. Hands on advice for using web analytics for research.

Our second article is What is Zero UI? John Brownlee’s Coverage of Andy Goodman‘s talk at SolidCon.

The third and final article is Fixing 6 Mistakes Companies Make when Working with UXers by Sarah Doody. We adapt and remix Sarah’s list a little.

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#99 James & Per hide their hamburgers

Three articles stumbled upon recently by James and Per are up for discussion in this Link Show.

First up – Why It’s Totally Okay to Use a Hamburger Icon. Or rather, why you should support top tasks with your designs. Second – Content first design. Using content prototypes to perfect your content. Third and finally – The Fallout From MobileGeddon: What’s the Impact on Your Business? Google tweaked their algorithm to punish poor mobile experiences.

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#96 James & Per give micro-feedback

Episode 96 is a linkshow. James and Per discuss three articles they’ve stumbled upon whilst roaming the internet.

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#90 James & Per are not robots

Episode 90 is a link show. James and Per discuss three articles they’ve stumbled upon whilst roaming the internet.

First – Under-resourced and isolate: who would be a digital marketing manager? It’s complex and get more complex by the day. Second – The Seven Most Important UI and UX ideas of 2014. A retrospective look back at some concepts that bubbled up last year. Third and finally – Are you a robot? Introducing “No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA”. Google has moved robot checking to the back end.

SPOILER ALERT! If you believe in Father Christmas, skip minute 14 of the show!

(Listening time: 34 minutes)


#80 James & Per are broken

Episode 80 is a link show. James and Per discuss three articles they’ve stumbled upon whilst dredging the internets. First – Everything is broken. Really, everything is broken. Can we fix it? Do we care enough to fix it? Second – UX without user research is not UX. Isn’t it? Does it matter?  And lastly – Hey designers: stop trying to be so damned clever. Is the cleverness of your design actually getting in the way? How good is your usability filter? Read More

#76 James & Per thank you for subscribing

Episode 76 is a link show. James and Per discuss three articles they’ve discovered on their digital travels. First – 45 days to plan a Tweet? Just a bit of bad press, deliberate PR? How do we know what’s true anymore? Second – Thank you for signing up! Pay attention to your thank you pages. And finally – The share icon that nobody agrees on. We’re talked hamburgers before, now it’s the turn of the share icon to be discussed.

What do you think? Email us at

(Listening time: 38 minutes)


Borrowed from


#66 James & Per stunt UX

A Link show. James and Per discuss three recent articles found during their digital travels. Has information architecture been hindered by the rise of user experience? What is user experience? and finally how do you make sure that users don’t accidentally delete things?

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#64 James & Per are web-safe

A Link show to start the year. Per and James discuss three recent articles that they’ve found during their digital travels. With font-face now widely supported how much thought do you need to put into your font-stack? How do you go about adding personality to your website or product? Finally we take a look at some of the top UX predictions for 2014 and even share our own thoughts on the coming year.

(Listening time: 51 minuters)


#62 James & Per are delightful

In this linkshow James and Per discuss 3 articles they’ve found during their digital travels. We start off by discussing customer experience landmines – things (from the experiences of a non-uxer) that can be hurdles for your customers. In the middle of the show we get delightful and discuss  adding delight to your ux. Finally we peel back the buzz and look at working with touchpoints.

What do you think? Email us at

(Listening time: 40 minutes)
