Guest show

#122 Calm technology with Amber Case

This podcast is episode 3 of 11 recorded at UXLx 2016

We talk to Amber Case, cyborg anthropologist and UX designer. We chat about the ideas expressed in Amber’s popular TED talk “We are all cyborgs now” before turning our attention to the notion of calm technology.

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#121 Agentive technology with Chris Noessel

This podcast is episode 2 of 11 recorded at UXLx 2016

Spawned from his keen interest in sci-fi interfaces Chris Noessel is passionate about the concept of agentive technology; computers doing things on our behalf. Computers may do things we don’t want to do or ourselves, things we don’t know how how to do or things we’ve never done before. The trick of course is for the computers to butt in at the right time.

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#120 Product management & UX with Melissa Perri

This podcast is episode 1 of 11 recorded at UXLx 2016

Melissa Perri has a background as both a product manager and a UX-er. We learn more about the overlap between the two disciplines and discuss some of the issues surrounding their convergence. Melissa also shared some advice about applying lean methodologies to your organisation including working with hypotheses and building to learn.

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#119 Articulating design decisions with Tom Greever

We talk to Tom Greever about Articulating Design Decisions. How do we talk about our designs effectively with stakeholders? Every designer has to explain (and justify) their design decisions to non-designers but what are the skills tactics and methods that are needed to pull this off in a way that opens the door for your project to create or improve the user experience?

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#118 Inclusive design with Sara Lerén

Sometimes we just run on auto-pilot. Male and Female. Two genders. His and Hers. A simple, polarised, view. When gender is implemented this way in websites and apps, it can not only lead to individuals feeling excluded but also cause emotional distress. We talk to Sara Lerén about being inclusive – how we can kick old habits and design for gendered audiences.

(Listening time: 36 minutes)


#116 Christmas Listener phone-in

James, Per and Danwei Tran Luciani open the video channels for the 5th UX Podcast Listener phone-in. The theme for this phone-in is The Demise of UX. Our guests in this Christmas phone-in ended up being James Mole McConnell, Craig Sullivan and Mike Atherton.

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#114 Zero UI with Andy Goodman

One of the problems with user interfaces is that it often feels like we’re serving the machines rather than them serving us. They demand so much care and need so much attention.

We are joined by Andy Goodman to talk about Zero UI and the challenges that lie ahead for us in regard to user interfaces. The movement of the UI away from the device. In a thought-filled show we also touch upon artificial intelligence, machines understanding context, wearables, filter bubbles, batteries and robot cars.

(Listening time: 49 minutes)



#112 Brain food with Steve Portigal, Pete Trainor & Anjan Chatterjee

This podcast is episode 8 of 9 recorded at Interact London 2015

Our first of two shows featuring interviews from Interact London 2015 has a bit of a brain-related theme to it. We talk to Steve Portigal about mindfulness, self-insight and presence and how these impact on your work as a designer.

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#110 UX Coaching with Whitney Hess

We were lucky enough to meet up with Whitney Hess during her summer vacation in Sweden. We talk to Whitney about her journey from “producer of wireframes” to coaching UX-ers. How to you design yourself? How do you give yourself permission to do your best work? “You need to stop doing the things you don’t want to do. If you don’t want to do wireframes, stop doing wireframes.” says Whitney.

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#109 UX Strategy with Simon Norris

Simon Norris, CEO of Nomensa joins us to chat about UX strategy. We look back over how digital has matured during the last 15 years and how the world today is so utterly different to how we thought it would be back then.

Simon differentiates between micro and macro UX and explains how UX by its nature is strategic but that doesn’t make us all strategists.

Is UX strategy a transitional concept? Should UX-ers code? Can incumbent organisation make the transition to digital thinking? Can UX strategy help organisations think more collectively about business customers and technology?

(Listening time: 35 minutes)


This episode is sponsored by Interact London 2015. Inspiring UX thinkers.


#108 Listener phone-in special

“Thank you for ginning us!” In the style of a radio phone-in, James and Per open the door and invite in you, the listener. Our guests in our fourth listener phone-in ended up being Heather Burns, Simon Kemp, and Artem Pereverzev.

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#107 Architecting the information age with Lisa Welchman

Lisa Welchman was the opening speaker on the conference day of UXLx 2015. She posed the question Are we Architecting the Information Age?

We talk to her about our responsibility as designers and creators of digital products, services and information. We discuss the need to take a holistic view and have the confidence to stand up for what we know we should be doing digitally.

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#106 Imposter syndrome with Amy Silvers & Lori Cavallucci

Many of us suffer from imposter syndrome. Everyone else is better than me. This was just luck. Good timing. Soon they’re going to find out that I’m faking it.

We talk to Lori Cavallucci and Amy Silvers to learn more about what is it and how it effects us. Why does our branch in particular seem to suffer from it? What can we do to deal with it and can it be a good thing in any way?

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#105 Content, sensory experiences & linked data with Nicole Fenton, Alastair Somerville & Mike Atherton

A triple set of interviews with Nicole Fenton, Alastair Somerville and Mike Atherton recorded at UXLx 2015.  Nicole is an editor, writer, content strategist. Alastair is a specialist in sensory cognition and accessibility. Mike is a user experience designer and information architect.
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