
#187 Jobs to be done with Tony Ulwick

This podcast is episode 2 of 5 recorded at From Business To Buttons 2018

Jobs to be done is a tool that comes up regularly in UX circles. But exactly what is it? We talk to Tony Ulwick, author of Jobs to be Done: Theory to practice. The framework helps to break down the job that customers want to get done into discrete steps, then help develop ways to make steps easier, faster, or unnecessary and innovate your product. Read More

#186 Augmented reality with Boon Sheridan

This podcast is episode 2 of 7 recorded at UXLx 2018

In the summer of 2016, Boon Sheridan started noticing people gathering outside his home, staring at their phones. Pokemon Go had launched and Boon’s converted church was a Gym. This was Boon’s introduction to the game and how it made use of Augmented Reality.

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#185 Gaming behaviour with Kellee Santiago

This podcast is episode 1 of 5 recorded at From Business To Buttons 2018

Kellee Santiago said that when making Journey they wanted to “make a game that creates a renewed sense of faith in humanity”. They wanted to make a game that was inclusive and was appealing to people who perhaps didn’t normally play video games.

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#184 Accreditation with Zoe Rose

“If it sounds like I am saying that design is not a profession, then yes – that is exactly what I am saying. We are not. Without a code of ethics and a body to enforce it, we’re barely even a trade. Maybe less – most trades have accreditation or at least licensing.”

Zoe Rose joins us to talk about accreditation within the design industry.

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#183 Meeting design with Kevin Hoffman

“When I first joined the workforce, I was unprepared for how much of my work would be dependent upon the success or failure within meetings”. Kevin Hoffman has been both fascinated and frustrated by meetings throughout his career. Meetings are part of your job, like it or not.

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#181 Product strategy with Richard Banfield

This podcast is episode 1 of 7 recorded at UXLx 2018

“Product strategy is a product of product vision” says Richard Banfield. In this show Richard shares his thoughts on product strategy, the sharing of language and culture within a team, the importance of psychological safe space, product team challenges, distributed teams, and the value of making mistakes.
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#180 Mobile frustrations with Lina Hansson

What frustrates people when using mobile sites? Lina Hansson is a conversion specialist at Google. Recently Google has tested almost 500 websites in retail, travel and finance verticals across Europe, the Middle East and Africa on mobile. Lina talk to us about what they discovered and what we can do make mobile sites less frustrating and more successful.
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#179 Net Promoter Score with Jared Spool

“NPS is the KFC of satisfaction scores – it’s everywhere and not good for you”. Jared Spool isn’t a fan of Net Promoter Scores. They are a poor metric, weirdly calculated and easily gamed. Jared says we need to stop using NPS and pay attention, proper attention to our customers.
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#178 Games user research with Veronica Zammitto

Game UX – doing research for video games. It’s a relatively young field, coming to the forefront of the gaming industry during the last 5-10 years. We talk to former psychologist Veronica Zammitto who is now the Director of UX research at gaming giant EA.

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#175 Human centred design with Alastair Somerville

This podcast is episode 7 of 7 recorded at EuroIA 2017

We are constantly simplifying the world around us and the people within it. This is a perfectly understandable reaction to the messy things we have to work with. But with every step back we are building a wall between the user and what it is to be human. We talk to Alastair about human centred design. How to use your senses and perception and take in the world around you.

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#174 UX Panel game – without hesitation, repetition or deviation

UX Podcast Panel game. Inspired by the legendary panel game devised by Ian Messiter we bring you a UX Podcast Christmas Special. We try to speak uninterrupted for 60 seconds about a given UX related subject.

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#173 Building a team with Alissa Briggs

This podcast is episode 6 of 7 recorded at EuroIA 2017

Alissa Briggs has mastered design leadership. We talked to her during EuroIA in Stockholm where she had held a presentation entitled Race to the Top: Building Skyscrapers & Design Teams that Soar.  In this interview Alissa shares her experiences of – and processes for – running, building and managing a design team.

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