Guest show

#275 VR in Healthcare with Almira Osmanovic Thunström

Virtual reality has had its big breakthrough in the gaming world, but what applications for this technology are there in helping the wellbeing of people who are ill? Almira Osmanovic Thunström is a Business Developer and Doctoral Researcher at Sahlgrenska University Hospital. She has spent years conducting research within the fields of AI and VR for healthcare and psychiatry in particular. She’s been figuring out what works, what the dangers are and how truly powerful these headsets can be when it comes to penetrating our perceptions of reality.

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#273 Purpose and thinking styles with Indi Young

“All humans are fully human, with many ways of being in the world”. Rather than study the process or solution, we should be studying humans. Indi Young, author of mental models and practical empathy, joins us to talk “purpose”.

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#272 Onboarding with Krystal Higgins

We talk to Krystal Higgins, author of Better Onboarding, about what onboarding actually is, how to recognise it needs improvement, and what kind improvements might work. 

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#270 Design for safety with Eva PenzeyMoog

People will abuse our products and use them for harm. It’s not an “if”. People utilise the products we help make to  hurt others, to control, abuse, and stalk people in their lives.  Eva PenzeyMoog joins us to talk about how we can design for safety, prevent harm before it happens, and helping survivors of interpersonal harm.

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#269 Calm technology with Amber Case (UXP Classic)

In this classic UX Podcast interview, we talk to Amber Case, author, researcher, designer and, at the time we talked to her, cyborg anthropologist. We chat about the ideas expressed in Amber’s popular TED talk “We are all cyborgs now” before turning our attention to the notion of calm technology.

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#268 Managing design systems with Brad Frost

Brad Frost joins us to talk about the nitty gritty of collaborating to create and manage design systems. We look back at the journey from responsive design to atomic design to design systems, and discuss the challenges with developing design systems and how important collaboration and culture are in order to succeed.

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#265 UX Coaching with Whitney Hess (UXP Classic)

Back in 2015 we were lucky enough to meet up with Whitney Hess during her summer vacation in Sweden. In this classic episode we talk to Whitney about her journey from “producer of wireframes” to coaching UX-ers.

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#264 Creating a better society with Don Norman (part 2)

In the second part of our 10th anniversary interview with Don Norman, we discuss externalities, the environmental aspects of design, ethics, systems and changing design education.

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#263 Creating a better society with Don Norman (part 1)

In this 10th anniversary 2-part special, we are joined by Don Norman. We talk to Don about how design education needs to change so the designers of the future are better equipped to work at the crossroads of business, technology, people, society and culture.

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#262 Design confidence with Kate Rutter, Kim Goodwin and Pamela Pavliscak

We are joined by Kate Rutter, Kim Goodwin and Pamela Pavliscak to explore why tools, often software tools, are on everyone’s mind and how this may or may not preparing us for the demands of design in the future.

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#261 Design makes the world with Scott Berkun

Scott Berkun joins us to talk about how design makes the world. Everything in your life has been designed by someone, and this insight is a powerful way to understand the world, and everything that happens in it. Read More

#259 Japanese design culture with Rishma Hansil

We are joined by Rishma Hansil to look at Japanese design culture and how this impacts digital design in Japan. Originally from Trinidad and Tobago, Rishma has been living and working in Tokyo for the past 4 years.

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#258 Ends with Joe MacLeod (UXP Classic)

We talk Closure experiences with Joe Macleod. The lack of endings was something that Joe kept noticing again and again. There are so many examples in the digital space where there wasn’t an end, or there was an expectation of controlled or ability to end – but the possibility of closure just doesn’t exist. The fabric of the internet is built to enable it to survive; to be eternal, yet endings – and death – are natural.

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#257 1992 revisited with Ben Kraal

Old research can give new insights. Ben Kraal publishes a newsletter called “1992”. In it he takes research papers from 1992 and looks them from a modern-day perspective.

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#255 Trustworthy with Margot Bloomstein

Do you trust brands? What created that trust and how is it maintained? We look at designing for trust together with content strategist Margot Bloomstein, author of Trustworthy. How does brand personality impact the user experience and how it influences our design decisions and content strategies.

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