organisational change

Change leadership with Maria Giudice

This podcast is episode 4 of 6 recorded at UXLx 2023

S02E13 (#323).  We are in the age of design-driven change. Maria Giudice joins us to talk about being changemakers – How we can design change in a complex world. We start by looking at the history of change management and how we are now firmly in the age of design-driven change and that requires change leadership.
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#299 Best practice with Rich Brophy

“Let’s find out what’s best practice and just run with that”. That’s something many of us will recognise and have experienced. But what actually is best practice? Is it something we should follow? And can we?

Rich Brophy joins us to talk about best practice and to offer some advice about what might be even better than best practice.

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#281 Organisational trauma with Vivianne Castillo

We often think of trauma as something that individuals go through, but organisations can experience trauma too. Vivianne Castillo was part of producing a research-based report that reveals the ways that organisations respond to trauma. The report also puts forward a suggestion of how organisations can handling healing better.

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#248 Evolving organisations with Ola Berg

“This is about people. It’s about communication”, says Ola. The ways in which organisations are structured and managed are still in many ways rooted in the history of the industrial revolution. To evolve away from this requires care, being human centred and probably a disruptive event on a social level.

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#212 Continuous learning with Kate Rutter

This podcast is episode 1 of 5 recorded at UXLx 2019

How can we stay up-to-date in a world constantly in flux? Kate Rutter, designer, teacher and co-host of What Is Wrong With UX joins us to talk about how to embrace continious learning and personal growth.
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#206 The build trap with Melissa Perri

The build trap is something many organisations fall into. Building features for the sake of building them. Melissa Perri, author of Escaping the build trap joins us to talk about what organisations and product managers can do to avoid it.
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#195 Infused design with Jared Spool

This podcast is episode 5 of 5 recorded at From Business To Buttons 2018

Imagine you could just draw a concept on a whiteboard and everyone just got it and got on with it. That’s what a design infused organisation looks like. Jared Spool joins us to talk about the growth stages understanding and the growth states of UX in organisations.  Our job as design leaders is to help organisations become more design mature.
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#192 Values are the experience with Kim Goodwin

This podcast is episode 4 of 7 recorded at UXLx 2018

Organisational culture – or values – is our design medium rather than pixels or code. Kim Goodwin joins us on the back of her UXLx 2018 talk “Values are the experience” to discuss how we can enable organisations to make the decisions that allow great UX to happen.

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