team building

Sketching workshop with Eva-Lotta Lamm

This podcast is episode 5 of 6 recorded at UXLx 2023

S02E14 (#324). A slightly different episode to usual. Eva-Lotta Lamm joins us to hold a visual thinking sketching workshop – Eva-Lotta, James and Per have fun going through three sketching exercises set by Eva-Lotta that can help you with your creativity, team-building, visual thinking and much more.
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#226 Improv with Mike Gorgone

This podcast is episode 5 of 5 recorded at UXLx 2019

How is improvisation, or improv as it’s known, be relevant to those of us working with UX? Mike Gorgone joins us for an entertaining look into how it’s useful and how you can practice it.
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#218 Feedback with Claire Lew

This podcast is episode 3 of 5 recorded at UXLx 2019

The Feedback loop – it’s not just about giving, but also about asking, receiving and acting on the feedback you’ve been given. Claire Lew joins us to share how we can create a culture of feedback. 
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#205 Evil genius

Episode 205 is a link show. James and Jonas discuss three articles that have grabbed their attention – this time they’re about how lying can make you creative and when (and how) to do user research.

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#199 Physical prototypes with Kathryn McElroy

This podcast is episode 7 of 7 recorded at UXLx 2018

Prototyping doesn’t need to be limited to screens and pages. Making physical prototypes with electronics isn’t as complicated as it perhaps sounds. Kathryn McElroy joins us to talk about being a multi-modal designer, bridging the gap between physical and digital, you can think beyond the screen and consider the experience from a broader perspective.

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#195 Infused design with Jared Spool

This podcast is episode 5 of 5 recorded at From Business To Buttons 2018

Imagine you could just draw a concept on a whiteboard and everyone just got it and got on with it. That’s what a design infused organisation looks like. Jared Spool joins us to talk about the growth stages understanding and the growth states of UX in organisations.  Our job as design leaders is to help organisations become more design mature.
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#181 Product strategy with Richard Banfield

This podcast is episode 1 of 7 recorded at UXLx 2018

“Product strategy is a product of product vision” says Richard Banfield. In this show Richard shares his thoughts on product strategy, the sharing of language and culture within a team, the importance of psychological safe space, product team challenges, distributed teams, and the value of making mistakes.
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#173 Building a team with Alissa Briggs

This podcast is episode 6 of 7 recorded at EuroIA 2017

Alissa Briggs has mastered design leadership. We talked to her during EuroIA in Stockholm where she had held a presentation entitled Race to the Top: Building Skyscrapers & Design Teams that Soar.  In this interview Alissa shares her experiences of – and processes for – running, building and managing a design team.

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