Guest show

#107 Architecting the information age with Lisa Welchman

Lisa Welchman was the opening speaker on the conference day of UXLx 2015. She posed the question Are we Architecting the Information Age?

We talk to her about our responsibility as designers and creators of digital products, services and information. We discuss the need to take a holistic view and have the confidence to stand up for what we know we should be doing digitally.

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#106 Imposter syndrome with Amy Silvers & Lori Cavallucci

Many of us suffer from imposter syndrome. Everyone else is better than me. This was just luck. Good timing. Soon they’re going to find out that I’m faking it.

We talk to Lori Cavallucci and Amy Silvers to learn more about what is it and how it effects us. Why does our branch in particular seem to suffer from it? What can we do to deal with it and can it be a good thing in any way?

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#105 Content, sensory experiences & linked data with Nicole Fenton, Alastair Somerville & Mike Atherton

A triple set of interviews with Nicole Fenton, Alastair Somerville and Mike Atherton recorded at UXLx 2015.  Nicole is an editor, writer, content strategist. Alastair is a specialist in sensory cognition and accessibility. Mike is a user experience designer and information architect.
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#102 Story mapping & analytics with Adrian Howard & Mike Beasley

Interviews with Adrian Howard and Mike Beasley recorded at UXLx 2015. Adrian regularly teaches and speaks on integrating Lean, UX and Agile methods and Mike is the author of Practical Web Analytics for User Experience.

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#101 Magical UX with Josh Clark & Stephen Hay

An interview with Josh Clark and Stephen Hay recorded at UXLx 2015. Josh is the man behind Big Medium, formally Globalmoxie, and was the closing keynote speaker at UXLx. Stephen Hay is the author of Responsive Design Workflow, designer, developer and magician.

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#100 James & Per sing happy birthday

Happy 4th Birthday UX Podcast! We happen to turn 4 at the same time as reaching the milestone of 100 episodes. In this birthday special we really do sing happy birthday, then we invite you to join us on a trip down memory lane.

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#97 James & Per & Joe peel onions

We talk to Joe Leech about psychology for designers and bullshit science. We debunk some myths and “rules” that come across as truths.

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#95 James & Per & Ethan are responsive

This podcast is episode 3 of 6 recorded at From Business to Buttons 2015

The father of the term Responsive Web Design, Ethan Marcotte, joins us for a chat. We talk, naturally, about responsive web design. How it came about, where it is today and where it’s heading.

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#94 James & Per & You

In the style of a radio phone-in, James and Per open the door and invite in you, the listener. Our guests in our third listener phone-in ended up being James Buller, Jesper Bylund, Dan Turner, and Tim Wright. Read More

#93 James & Per & Kim plan their journey

This podcast is episode 2 of 6 recorded at From Business to Buttons 2015

We’re joined by Kim Goodwin author of Designing for the digital age and UX executive at both PatientsLikeMe and Cooper. We dive into the merits of journey mapping. What it is and how it can be useful.

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#92 James & Per & Lisa manage chaos

Lisa Welchman, from Active Standards, joins us to talk about digital governance. How to manage the chaos and put a digital governance framework in place.

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#91 James & Per & Aimee get automated

Automated marketing. The marketeer’s dream. What is it, and how does this impact UX? Aimee Ravacon from Specopssoft shares her experiences after successfully implementing marketing automation into her organisations’ digital marketing.
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#89 James & Per want a car not a skateboard

How do you build a minimum viable product? Inspired by a Twitter conversation, we talk to Russ Unger, Stephen Anderson and Jeff Gothelf about what MVP is, what it isn’t. Does it cause more confusion than add value? What are we trying to learn and validate? We get some hangups off our chests, and discuss how you and your product team can avoid some of the MVP pitfalls.

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