
#118 Inclusive design with Sara Lerén

Sometimes we just run on auto-pilot. Male and Female. Two genders. His and Hers. A simple, polarised, view. When gender is implemented this way in websites and apps, it can not only lead to individuals feeling excluded but also cause emotional distress. We talk to Sara Lerén about being inclusive – how we can kick old habits and design for gendered audiences.

(Listening time: 36 minutes)


#117 Designing with Images

It’s so easy to add a little rectangle to a wireframe, but what are the consequences of adding an image to your design? Are images good or bad for UX? How can we improve our design processes so that we take the impact of images properly into account?

In this topic show Per and James look into how to design with images and how the performance of your website is a critical part of the user experience and should be a central part of your design process.

(Listening time: 52 minutes, Size: 36MB)


#116 Christmas Listener phone-in

James, Per and Danwei Tran Luciani open the video channels for the 5th UX Podcast Listener phone-in. The theme for this phone-in is The Demise of UX. Our guests in this Christmas phone-in ended up being James Mole McConnell, Craig Sullivan and Mike Atherton.

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#114 Zero UI with Andy Goodman

One of the problems with user interfaces is that it often feels like we’re serving the machines rather than them serving us. They demand so much care and need so much attention.

We are joined by Andy Goodman to talk about Zero UI and the challenges that lie ahead for us in regard to user interfaces. The movement of the UI away from the device. In a thought-filled show we also touch upon artificial intelligence, machines understanding context, wearables, filter bubbles, batteries and robot cars.

(Listening time: 49 minutes)



#112 Brain food with Steve Portigal, Pete Trainor & Anjan Chatterjee

This podcast is episode 8 of 9 recorded at Interact London 2015

Our first of two shows featuring interviews from Interact London 2015 has a bit of a brain-related theme to it. We talk to Steve Portigal about mindfulness, self-insight and presence and how these impact on your work as a designer.

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Interview with @uxsophia at #interactLDN 2015

This podcast is episode 7 of 9 recorded at Interact London 2015

Sofia Hussain joined us to talk about ecosystem thinking and how you can transform products and grow your business so that they encompass a wider spectrum of points across a users journey.

Interview with @optimiseordie at #interactLDN 2015

This podcast is episode 6 of 9 recorded at Interact London 2015

Long term friend and serial guest on UX Podcast Craig Sullivan joined us after his talk “scaling stupidity”. We talked about bullshit, broken data, and how we really have to stop guessing, bury our egos and swallow our pride. We introduce you to “Little Craig”, the little nagging voice inside you telling you the truth you know is true.

Interview with @Anjan435 at #interactLDN 2015

This podcast is episode 5 of 9 recorded at Interact London 2015

Neurologist, cognitive neuroscientist and author Anjan Chatterjee joined us after his keynote presentation on day 2 of Interact london to talk about the neuroscience of aesthetics. Beauty matters. Our responses to beauty are automatic and the context we find things in is crucial to our perception of beauty.


Interview with @petetrainor at #interactLDN 2015

This podcast is episode 4 of 9 recorded at Interact London 2015

Bigger hippos and happier humans. We talk to Pete Trainor about designing happiness. Our brains love problem solving. Making things too easy can result in us being less happy. A little bit of friction can be exactly what we need.

Interview with @vjkirby at #interactLDN 2015

This podcast is episode 3 of 9 recorded at Interact London 2015

Vanessa Kirby has created and managed a number of UX teams. Who do you need in your team? Do we need UX unicorns? Should we aspire to become unicorns?

Interview with @steveportigal at #interactLDN 2015

This podcast is episode 2 of 9 recorded at Interact London 2015

Steve Portigal joined us during the lunch break of day 1 to talk to us about mindfulness, self-insight and presence and how these inform how you interact with the world round you and impact on your work as a designer, ux-er, professional and human being .


Interview with @jimkalbach at #interactLDN 2015

This podcast is episode 1 of 9 recorded at Interact London 2015

Jim Kalbach talked about visualising value. How we need a reversal in business thnking and value alignment. Begin with customer needs and create shared value. Alignment of the individual and the organisation, with value as the overlap.  Value centred design.

This interview was recording during the break, so there’s quite a lively “audience” in the background.


#111 Meta moments

A linkshow.  James and Per discuss three articles that have caught their attention.

The first article is Who Needs UX Strategy by Paul Bryan. Secondly we look at 7 things that make it harder to manage your multinational websites by Lise Bissonnette Janody. Last but not least we discuss Meta-moments, thoughtfulness by design by Andrew Grimes

(Listening time: 43 minutes)
