
Building trust in AI with Carol Smith

This podcast is episode 2 of 6 recorded at UXLx 2023

S02E11 (#321).  How do we know when to trust a system? Carol Smith leads the Trust Lab team at Carnagie Mellon Universty, where they conduct research into making trustworthy, human centered, and responsible AI systems. Our conversation highlights the importance of guardrails and ethical considerations in AI development, as well as to ask the right questions and to be critical of the work we are doing – in order to make the best systems we can for the people who are using them or who will be affected by them.
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Digital Ownership with David Dylan Thomas

This podcast is episode 3 of 4 recorded at From Business to Buttons 2023

S02E10 (#320). What does it mean to own something? We talk with David about the concept of ownership, going beyond the legal definition and into the wider concept of ownership and how digital artefacts lead us to re-think and re-evaluate some of the concepts that we have previously relied on.
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Make it more so with Chris Noessel and Nathan Shedroff

This podcast is episode 1 of 6 recorded at UXLx 2023

S02E04 (#314). Sci-fi and AI. Over a decade on from our first chat with Chris and Nathan, after the publishing of their book Make It So – Interaction Design Lessons from Science Fiction, Per and James found themselves with the opportunity at UXLx to talk to Chris and Nathan again. Our conversation starts with AI in the context of Sci-fi interfaces, then progresses into a discussion of AI more generally.

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#305 Dyscalculia and ChatGPT

Episode 305 is a linkshow. James and Per discuss two articles that have grabbed their attention – we feature articles about designing for people with dyscalculia and low numeracy, and How ChatGPT is blowing Google out of the water: a UX breakdown.

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#303 Metacognition with Steve Fleming

This podcast is episode 2 of 5 recorded at Ambition Empower Autumn 2022

We take a dive into neuroscience and metacognition. Thinking about thinking and thinking about other minds. We are joined by Professor Stephen Fleming, neuroscientist and author of the book Know Thyself to learn more about how our cognition works and the implications for our work as mind-creating creatives and in the development of AI.

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#215 Machine learning with Daryl Weir

This podcast is episode 2 of 5 recorded at UXLx 2019

People worry that machines are going to get too smart. The bigger problem right now is that they aren’t smart enough. Daryl Weir, mathematician and data scientist joins us to talk about machine learning and AI.
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#147 Listener phone-in (part 2)

This is part 2 of highlights from our 8th UX Podcast Listener phone-in.  On a dark December afternoon James, Per and Danwei gathered in Studio Axbom to chat and take calls from you, the listeners for a 2-hour live show.

We discuss living in a VR world, chatbots and suicide prevention, mentoring and getting into UX after your studies. Read More

#143 Chatbots & emotional data with Daniel Harvey & Pamela Pavliscak

In a chat based world, the words are the UI. Rather than tapping or clicking, we’re writing and responding. Daniel Harvey talked to us about chatbots and AI and how we are heading for a future where appstores are going to be replaced by botstores. Read More

Interview with @dancharvey at #interactLDN 2016

This podcast is episode 2 of 6 recorded at Interact London 2016

Daniel Harvey talked about chatbots and AI and how we are heading for a future where appstores are going to be replaced by botstores. Conversation is the command line of tomorrow. Read More

#126 Design doing with Don Norman (Part 2)

Don Norman is without a doubt one of the most influential voices within the UX and design industry and also the cognitive sciences. Don produced some of the earliest literature about human-centered design within the digital space – he also coined the term “user experience” whilst working at Apple.

In part 2 of our conversation with Don, we talk about whether technology is making us dumber or smarter, living with complexity, as well as AI, agents and their role in the future of healthcare. Don also ponders our “Heptascale challenge” questions. Read More

#123 Listener phone-in (Part 1)

James, Per and Danwei open the video channels for the 6th UX Podcast Listener phone-in. On a Friday afternoon in March we took questions and calls from listeners. We’ve pulled out the highlights from the live session and made them into 2 separate episodes.

The topics covered in part 1 of this two-part phone-in are AI, conducting international research, product management and UX, Material design and trends of 2016, and Micro v Macro UX. Read More

#121 Agentive technology with Chris Noessel

This podcast is episode 2 of 11 recorded at UXLx 2016

Spawned from his keen interest in sci-fi interfaces Chris Noessel is passionate about the concept of agentive technology; computers doing things on our behalf. Computers may do things we don’t want to do or ourselves, things we don’t know how how to do or things we’ve never done before. The trick of course is for the computers to butt in at the right time.

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