
#205 Evil genius

Episode 205 is a link show. James and Jonas discuss three articles that have grabbed their attention – this time they’re about how lying can make you creative and when (and how) to do user research.

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#195 Infused design with Jared Spool

This podcast is episode 5 of 5 recorded at From Business To Buttons 2018

Imagine you could just draw a concept on a whiteboard and everyone just got it and got on with it. That’s what a design infused organisation looks like. Jared Spool joins us to talk about the growth stages understanding and the growth states of UX in organisations.  Our job as design leaders is to help organisations become more design mature.
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#194 Research on the fly with Cyd Harrell

This podcast is episode 5 of 7 recorded at UXLx 2018

Cyd Harrell has done all kinds of user research. At the beginning of this episode Cyd tells us of the time she live streamed a user interview from a vehicle while the participant was using a mobile device whilst driving. There are times where a user researcher really does need to be fearless.

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#179 Net Promoter Score with Jared Spool

“NPS is the KFC of satisfaction scores – it’s everywhere and not good for you”. Jared Spool isn’t a fan of Net Promoter Scores. They are a poor metric, weirdly calculated and easily gamed. Jared says we need to stop using NPS and pay attention, proper attention to our customers.
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#178 Games user research with Veronica Zammitto

Game UX – doing research for video games. It’s a relatively young field, coming to the forefront of the gaming industry during the last 5-10 years. We talk to former psychologist Veronica Zammitto who is now the Director of UX research at gaming giant EA.

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#170 Discovery with Dan Brown

This podcast is episode 4 of 7 recorded at EuroIA 2017

We need to ask the big hard questions at the beginning of the process so we can make good design decisions later. We talk to Dan Brown about the discovery phase or perhaps as Dan suggests the discovery mindset.

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#149 War Stories with Steve Portigal

For a number of years Steve Portigal has been collecting user research war stories. The stories describe experiences researchers have had whilst doing fieldwork. Awkward, morally challenging, painful, unsuccessful.

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#148 Lostness

Episode 148 is a link show. James and Per discuss three articles that have grabbed their attention.

The first article is Decision Frames: How Cognitive Biases Affect UX Practitioners.  Kathryn Whitenton explains how we are all vulnerable to cognitive biases and the way in which we frame our problems can bias our design decisions.

Article two is Agile Doesn’t Have a Brain. Jeff Gothelf argues that the reason that organisations are working in an agile manner has changed dramatically over the years and now they are looking for faster, rather than better, ways to satisfy business needs.

Our third article is The Complete Guide to Measuring Lostness. Tomer Sharon explains what this metric is and how it can be used to gauge how lost people are on your website or in your app.

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#141 The death of web design

Episode 141 is a link show. James and Per discuss three articles that have grabbed their attention. Design standards, form validation, and prototyping with chatbots.

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#132 Listener phone-in

James, Per and Danwei open the video channels for the 7th UX Podcast Listener phone-in. On a warm Friday afternoon in June we took questions and calls from listeners. We’ve extracted some highlights from the 2-hour live session and condensed them into this regular 30 minute episode.

The topics covered in this listener phone-in were: Guerrilla research, ridiculous services you wish didn’t exist, and finding work.

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#120 Product management & UX with Melissa Perri

This podcast is episode 1 of 11 recorded at UXLx 2016

Melissa Perri has a background as both a product manager and a UX-er. We learn more about the overlap between the two disciplines and discuss some of the issues surrounding their convergence. Melissa also shared some advice about applying lean methodologies to your organisation including working with hypotheses and building to learn.

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#102 Story mapping & analytics with Adrian Howard & Mike Beasley

Interviews with Adrian Howard and Mike Beasley recorded at UXLx 2015. Adrian regularly teaches and speaks on integrating Lean, UX and Agile methods and Mike is the author of Practical Web Analytics for User Experience.

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